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Writer's picture: Ronin RescueRonin Rescue

Updated: Jul 14, 2022

by Jason Hindson

This year we had the opportunity to compete in a new rope rescue competition, well new to Ronin. Rescue Great Day 2022 in Seville Spain. It was great to see once again many of our rescue friends from around the world as well as meet many new ones. The skill level was high and the scenarios challenging. We arrived in Spain almost a week prior to the competition. This is typical for us to allow for us to adjustment to the time difference, get some solid training in and most important spend some time being a tourist. Spain was amazing!

We spent 3 days training at the SST Special Services and Training Centre in Seville. This was an amazing training facility with props both inside and outside. We were able to run through all of our planned drills and as well as a few extra. The opportunity to training inside, out of the sun, was a welcomed relief. Coming from Canada we are not used to the higher-than-normal temperatures Seville threw at us. We tried to stay heavily hydrated, we got lots of rest and many of us even took extra electrolytes. However, its hard to be prepared and train in advance for plus 40C temperatures, especially when you are from the Great White North.

We found the competition to be amazing. This was the first year they had so many teams, 27, and based on how well it flowed, you never would have guessed. Excellent job all around! The competition spanned over two days. The scenarios were challenging while taking us all over the city to see and play on many landmarks. Rope access skills were key to being successful at Rescue Great Day. However, the scenarios were cleverly designed so that each was a team effort rather than only depending on one or two members. The one variable that was hard to be prepared for the heat. Record temperatures took their toll on numerous teams including ours.

The team structure for Rescue Great Day was different than previous competitions. Usually, the team is made up of 7 members: Team Lead, 2 Rescuers, 2 Riggers, a Patient and a Controller. However, this year we did not have to provide a controller and instead this person could be an active member of the team. This added another twist, if we used all members in a scenario, the Team Lead could only direct the team but was not allowed to participate in any rigging. However, if we chose to not include the 7th member, the Team Lead could help with rigging. We were allowed to shift the members of the team from scenario to scenario. Because of the heat, we had 3 members suffer heat illness. Being able to adjust the team allowed the Team Lead to sit a member out, if needed, for some necessary recovery.

We had a great time in Spain and even a greater time being one of the invited teams to Rescue Great Day. We put in a solid effort and placed well despite our challenged with the heat. We look forward to next year….. competing and seeing all of our friends again.


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